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Our project


※SWY is the acronym for "Shift our World by the Youth"


〇 Aim and Background

SDGs-SWY was established by the participants of "Ship for World Youth" which is one of the International Youth Exchange Programs conducted by the Japanese Government. Our activities intend to support the millennial generations with an aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  in accordance with the visions as follows.


1.To support the grass-roots activities by the millennial generations in achieving SDGs.

2.To provide forum for the millennial generations, who are going to build careers in the international organizations, to work hard and encourage each other. 

3.To deliver the voice of millennial generations to the decision makers such as governments and international organizations, and to appeal to the decision makers  in order to reflect the opinion of the millennial generations on the governmental policy.


〇 Activities

SDGs-SWY posts interview articles regarding individuals working in international organizations and their efforts in achieving SDGs. In addition, we make study groups and ideathon to achieve SDGs on a grass root level.


〇 Mission

Our mission is to support and advance the activities by the Millennial generations to achieve SDGs. We are convinced that our forum will be an attractive place to everyone working on something important to achieve our goal to make our future world an ideal place.


〇 Organs

SDGs-SWY is an open forum for everyone passionate about our goals; not only our "secretariat" but also all the participants in the forum work together in this regard. Each team will address an issue of its own interest, and our members will collectively try to solve a variety of problems based on their activities and expertise they cultivate all over the world. 





※SWY は Shift our World by the Youthの頭文字です。



SDGs-SWY は、内閣府青年国際交流事業のひとつ、「世界青年の船」事業の既参加青年が中心となり、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の達成に向け、草の根で活動する世界中のミレニアル世代が集う場づくりを目指して、2016年2月に設立されました。



SDGs-SWY は、1980年以降に生まれたミレニアル世代を主な対象として、次の3点を念頭に置きながら、SDGsの達成に取り組む方々へのインタビュー記事の公開、各地域でのアイディアソンワークショップの開催といった草の根でのSDGs達成を支援する活動に取り組んでいます。




〇 私たちのミッション

SDGs-SWY のミッションは、世界中でSDGs の達成に向けて取り組むミレニアル世代の活動を後押しすることです。生き生きと楽しんで、自分たちの目指す未来と重ね合わせながら、行動に移していく人が集う場をつくっていきます。


〇 私たちの組織


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