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Cosmo Takagi


Project Research Associate of Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance.

慶應義塾大学大学院 政策・メディア研究科 特任助教

How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

Though I used to work at the local government in Japan, I decided to study Monitoring and Evaluation deeply in Ph.D course. The topic of my current study is "How to localize SDGs to the policy of the local governments". I completed the training program  "EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME in Evaluation and Sustainable Development Goals" conducted by UNITAR.

大学卒業後、自治体職員として働いていましたが、評価のアプローチを活かした政策形成・改善を日本の自治体でスタンダードにしたいとの想いから退職し、博士後期課程に進学。現在は「SDGsをどのように自治体や地域コミュニティで活用するか」をテーマに研究しており、2017年には、SDGsの評価分野におけるリーダー育成を目的としてUNITAR(国連訓練調査研究所)等が実施する研修プログラムを日本人で初めて修了。2018年10月に帰国後、2019年4月より現職。著書に「SDGs×自治体 実践ガイドブック 現場で活かせる知識と手法」(学芸出版社)。

Megumi Wada



Master Degree of Media and Governance 

Keio University Research Institute at SFC Senior Researcher

Shimokawa SDGs ambassador 


慶應義塾大学院 政策・メディア研究科 蟹江研究会 (修士号取得)




How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

My research topic is SDGs localization in Japan, especially on the company level. My master's topic was SDDs coherence. 

Also, my lab conducted SDGs promotion campaign at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus. At that time our campus was covered with 2500 stickers of 100 SDGs targets. 

My profile picture is taken a High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, a follow-up, and review conference of SDGs in UNHQ. 






Saki Kanamori


Graduated from faculty of Global Studies in Sophia University/

Representative Office of Japan to Palestine



How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

I was working for as a translator at NPO related to refugee and also as an intern, visited refugee camps in Europe and Middle East to research their needs. To make their lives better, made a proposal to local NGOs. 

I was thinking about achieving SDGs goal through my actions and also this filed. 

Moreover as a Japanese Red Cross volunteer, established Japanese Red Cross Youth Committee. At international conference introduce activities inside of Japan and share knowledges of DDR as a representative of JRC. 




Selene Cruz


Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey B.A International Relations


How you contribute/relate to SDGs

As a delegate of Mexico, I will contribute to this amazing initiative promoting the Sustainable Development Goals in my community, also working with other initiatives/organizations to approach the mail goal in the Mexican Republic (32 estates).



I would like to thanks to the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan for giving me the opportunity to be a part of Ship for a World Youth Leaders Program (SWY28). Thanks to this program I met incredible people who work pursuing the best for our planet. So, here we are. Please join us.

Hitomi Shimizu



Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance

SFC  Norichika Kanie Lab


慶應義塾大学大学院 制作メディア研究科、 蟹江研究会


How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

My research topic is mainly on SDGs localization, focusing from a sociological point of view. For localizing SDGs, I drive to search for a method that encourages people to understand SDGs as their own matter. Starting from promoting SDGs in my own Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus as well as interning at Shimokawa, Hokkaido, I work on regional revitalization in Toyooka, Hyogo Prefecture, and re-examining for new methods in the certification area with SDGs.  




​Yuma Hideshima



Tokyo University Master of Frontier Science International Studies

​東京大学大学院 新領域創成研究科 国際協力学専攻


How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

While I was studying at Keio University, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, I met the SDGs and studied policy evaluation methods using the SDGs. I experienced an internship at an international organization and consulting company, engaged in public relations and IR consulting using SDGs. After entering the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, I am focusing on the environmental field. I conducted an internship conducted by a development agency in Bangkok to investigate climate change. I also participated in COP25. I am scheduled to acquire an environmental planner.

慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部在学中にSDGsと出会い、SDGsを用いた政策評価手法について研究。国際機関、コンサルティング会社にて行ったインターンで、SDGsを用いた広報、IRコンサルティングに携わる。
東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科入学後には、専門を環境分野に絞り、バンコクの開発機関にて行ったインターンでは、気候変動に関する調査を行った。COP25に参加した経験あり。環境プランナーを取得予定。

Kentaro Miyakawa



Sustainable Lab Inc.

Climate Youth Japan


​青年環境NGO Climate Youth Japan


How you contribute/relate to SDGs 

I'm a member of NGO Climate Youth Japan and have been involved in public awareness on global warming and climate change issues. This photo was taken when I participated in the 24th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP24) and Ship for World Youth 2019.

NGO Climate Youth Japanに所属をし、地球温暖化や気候変動課題の啓発活動に携わってきました。写真は第24回国連気候変動枠組み条約締約国会議(通称:COP24)と世界青年の船に参加した際のものです。

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